I am a recently re(t)ired and re(w)ired law professor, formerly teaching in Florida, currently on a walkabout as I decide what to do when I grow up.

This site includes many hundreds of pages of learning materials (especially for Civ Pro, which I have taught for nearly two decades).
My future plans include writing about the experiences and challenges of neurodivergent adults and how educators can do a better job of helping students with ADHD, Autism, AuDHD (the latter, that's likely me), and other conditions that lead to diverse neurology. My thesis in a nutshell: most schools equate "accommodations" with "extra time," which IMO is a poor way of meeting the needs of the neurodivergent (or as I prefer, the "neurospicy"). For more on what it's like for an adult to come to realization that they are neurodivergent, I would highly recommend Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity, by Devon Price.
I am also a fine-art photographer and writer. Whether I am a fine fine-art photographer, I leave to the viewer, but you can expect this site to morph in the weeks and months to come as I start to showcase my work. For now, click on the image below -- I call it Tesla's Coil -- to visit my Flickr Photostream and Albums. Much more to come.