Tag Archives: removal

MBE: Venue

Below is a resource regarding venue, dismissal, transfer, and forum non conveniens.For a master listing of all Civ Pro MBE resources on this site, click here. Problem setUse a problem set to help review the materials and test your knowledge. The venue problem set includes questions along with explanations.Problem set (with explanations)Venue problem setVenue, dismissal, transfer, and forum non […]

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Site updates: Assignments page, PJ materials, Removal explanations

(Updated to correct transmission of group email.) This posting/email is a test of a new message-distribution system. Everybody in the Civ Pro class should be receiving this. In addition, there are important additions to the nathenson.org website: Assignments page is now active.  Future assignments will be posted to https://nathenson.org/courses/civpro/assignments/. I will maintain the Lexis Blackboard site until I have […]

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Civil Procedure study resources

 About Civil Procedure resources This page contains links to numerous resources on the subjects we’ll study this year, such as subject-matter jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction, and much, much more. Resources include handouts, study questions, flowcharts, and problem sets. The problem sets include explanations that will go online after we study each topic. Law school basicsThe basics […]

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